

Anaphylaxis Wheeze and possible stridor , reduced SPO2
Anxiety Panting, SOB with maintained SPO2
Asthma exacerbation Wheeze +/- SPO2 changes
COPD exacerbation Wheeze, crackles, reduced SPO2 (typically 88% to 92%)
Fibrosis Chronic crackles
TB Fever, sweats and weight loss, coarse crackles typically upper/midzone
Chest infection/pneumonia) Crackles, temperatures, possible reduced SPO2 and possible wheeze
Heart failure/pulmonary oedema Crackles to base(s), oedema to legs/thighs, +/- sacral oedema
Trauma (haemo/pneumothorax) Reduced or absent breath sounds, unilateral chest expansion
Aspiration Crackles to base(s), immediate or delayed cough with food, fluids or tablets, recurrent chest infection
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Fever, cough, anosmia, ageusia, reduced SPO2
PE/VTE SOB, chest pain, collapse

Red Flag

  • Absent breath sound (unilaterally or bilaterally)
  • Significant change from baseline
  • Saturations below 94% in non COPD cases
  • Saturations below 88% in COPD cases
  • Sepsis