'5 minute' Neurology

History is THE most important element of Neurological Diagnosis and review especially as the examination may often be unremarkable or non-localising.

Typical questions:

Mental Status

Skull, Spine, & Meninges

Cranial Nerves

Motor Function

Sensory Function


Gait & Station

General Symptoms

PHx, Medication, Social

The most important part of the Neurological exam is observation. More than half of the exam is performed by simple observation - how he/she speaks, thinks, walks, moves and simply interacts with you as examiner. Simple but careful observation will begin to localise a lesion. Formalised testing merely refines the diagnosis, and may only need a few extra steps.

Mental Status

Cranial Nerves

Motor Examination

Sensory examination




Author: Dr Dylan Jenkins, Oct 2023
from: Ralph F. Józefowicz MD, Uni of Rochester