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Leg Examination

Leg Swelling

A common problem creating clinical doubt about likely causes and therefore investigation, management and referral issues.


History is, as always, vital and will help guide next steps.

  • may be asymptomatic
  • ask about associated pain, localised or general - aching, sharp, heaviness
  • duration of swelling
    • <72/24 more likely DVT, infection, trauma and sometimes exacerbation of chronic conditions such as Heart Failure
    • chronic - venous insufficiency, lymphatic dysfunction or other chronic medical condition
  • check for Hx of varicose veins, DVT, clotting problems
  • look out for other causes: rheumatological, renal, hepatic and endocrine causes
  • medication Hx - CCB's, chemotherapy agents, NSAIDs, hormones (steroids etc) and others


  • assess both legs even if unilateral swelling
  • look for distribution - even vs local
  • discolouration to suggest bruising, venous insufficiency, redness associated with infection
  • check for ulcers, varicose veins


  • routine bloods: U&E, FBC, Glu, bone profile, CRP looking for broad suspicion of systemic pathology
  • d-Dimer, doppler USS if suspecting DVT
  • blood cultures and wound swabs
  • other depending on suspicion of other systemic pathology

Author: Dr Dylan Jenkins Oct 23