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Inflammatory Markers

C-reactive protein (CRP)

  • changes rapidly in response to inflammatory stimulus starting to rise in 4-6/24 and peaking in 36-50/42
  • half life 24/24
  • need to be interpreted in context and trending results are more important
  • high levels usually associated with:
    • acute infections
    • malignancies
    • myocardial infarction
    • pancreatitis
  • Persistent elevation associated with chronic inflammatory conditions:
    • chronic infections eg bronchitis or hepatitis
    • inflammatory arthritide eg. rheumatoid arthritis
    • Systemic inflammation eg RA, SLE, other autoimmune diseases
  • Minor elevation seen with many conditions:
    • obesity
    • pregnancy
    • depression
    • diabetes
    • cardiovascular disease.

Neutrophil to Lymphocyte ratio (NLR)

NLR Interpretation Conditions
0.1-0.7 Neutropenia
1-2 Normal
2-3 Mild inflamm autoimmune chr disease
psych disorders
CVS disease
3-7 mild to mod inflamm
7-11 Mod to severe Sepsis
severe Covid
11-17 severe inflamm Sepsis, SIRS, bacteraemia
>17 Critical inlamm septic shock
advanced malig

Author: Dr Dylan Jenkins, Oct 2023