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IV, SC Furosemide

  • a loop diuretic - inhibits tubular reabsorption of Na+ & Cl- in the proximal & distal tubules & thick ascending loop of Henle by inhibiting the Na-Cl cotransport system. Causes excessive excretion of water as well as Na, Cl, Mg and Ca especially after initial dose.
  • useful in HF patients because of reduced oral absorption resulting from gut oedema
  • diuresis following SC furosemide reaches max at 2-3/24 and lasts about 4/24

Cannula insertion

  • best sites for SC Furosemide - upper chest but upper arm can be used
  • prepare injection site with alcohol wipe, pinch skin to create hump and insert cannula
  • attach luer lock

Elastomeric pump setup

  • ensure appropriate dose has been calculated - usual oral dose in 24/24 would be the starting IV infusion for the 24/24 period but delivered over 12/24 for those patients who do not have an in-dwelling catheter
  • draw up prescribed furosemide dose and dilute with NSaline to 60ml total
  • infuse solution into elastomeric pump chamber via the luer lock infusion port
  • connect elastomeric pump tubing to luer lock of cannula

Elastomeric pump
VW SC furosemide guideline CUH 2023
Author: Dr Dylan Jenkins, Oct 2023