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Orthostatic Hypotension


  • an abnormal drop in BP on standing from lying and further defined as:
    • a fall in sBP of at least 20mmHg, or below 90mmHg, with or without symptom
    • a fall in dBP of 10mmHg with symptoms

Patient needs to be lying for 5mins, then BP measured after standing for 1min and then again at 3mins


  • Neurological:
    • neurodegenerative diseases eg Parkinsons and Parkinson-plus syndromes, some dementia
    • pure autonomic failure (PAF) – Bradbury-Eggleston syndrome
    • secondary to diabetes, vitB deficiency, renal failure, amyloidosis, HIV other autoimmune
  • Other:
    • volume depletion – dehydration, anaemia
    • alcohol and drugs/medications
    • cardiovascular disease, adrenal insufficiency, sepsis
    • ageing, idiopathic


  • baseline Ix – electrolytes, FBC, ECG, Glu
  • other - appropriate to likely/possible underlying cause
  • may need Tilt Testing to confirm


  • treatment of primary cause if known and relevant
  • non pharmacological measures to consider first:
    • rehydration when appropriate
    • may need to add salt to diet – caution in Heart Failure or Renal Failure
    • compression stockings
    • education regarding exercise, diet, care with changes in postion
    • review medications
  • Pharmacological (either or in combination):

Author: Dr Dylan Jenkins Nov 2023 LeedsPAHNICE