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Other Electrolytes


  • redistribution - associated with major surgery fluid shifts, insulin/glucagon/adrenaline use, respiratory alkalosis
    • beware esp in Rx of hyperglycaemia, DKA (osmotic losses + redistribution with insulin)
  • decreased absorption - malnutrition, alcohol Xs, anorexia
  • increased renal loss - associated with diuretics
  • renal replacement therapies - loss in effluent with large fluid shifts
  • Clinical - muscle weakness, CNS changes, poor WCC function reducing resistance to infection, arrhythmias
  • Treatment - depends on level:
    • <0.64mmol/l & asymptomatic - preferably enteral replacement (Phosphate Sandoz tablets contain 500mg elemental phosphorous - 4-6 tablets daily for adults, 2-3 for kids)
    • <0.32mmol/l or symptomatic - parenteral replacement

Liver Function Tests (LFTs)

AST • raised in proportion to cellular damage and especially early stage of necrosis
• found in cardiac and skeletal M, kidney, brain, pancreas and red cells and therefore ??? in skeletal M trauma and other Muscle disorders, MI, hepatitis etc
ALT • levels not related to degree of liver necrosis and not useful in prognosis
• more specific than AST for liver damage
• higher levels seen with chronic hepatitis, cholestasis, CCF, infectious mononucleosis, various drugs eg paracetamol, phenothiazines, barbiturates, morphine, tetracyclines
• isolated elevated ALT - consider rechecking in >6/12. If remains high - then Ix for hepatocellular disease
• remember that 'normal' range is just that - Bell curve means that 2.5% pop will be outside 'normal' range
AST:ALT <1 • viral hepatitis
• severe toxic hepatitis
• ischaemic hepatitis
AST:ALT >2.5 • classic alcoholic liver disease with acute hepatocellular injury
• active cirrhosis
ALP • primarily biliary stasis/obstruction and malignancy
• also a marker of bone turnover and therefore seen with bony disorders & metastases
• normally high in late pregnancy
dGT • sensitive to alcohol ingestion and especially with biliary obstruction
• also raised in pancreatitis, brain tumours, renal and prostatic disease and post MI
LDH • found in most tissues
• especially raised in CCF, PE's and infarction, anaemias, hepatitis
StatPearls 2021 LDH biochem
Cholestasis ↑↑ ↑↑ AST:ALT<1.5 suggests extrahepatic, >1.5 suggests intrahepatic
Prim Biliary Cirrhosis ↑↑↑ ↑/N ↑/N ↑↑ raised AST:ALT suggests cirrhosis
Prim sclerosing cholangitis ↑↑ ↑/N ↑/N ↑↑ AST:ALT>1 may suggest cirrhosis
>1.12 suggests risk of varices
Alcoholic Liver Disease ↑/N ↑↑ AST:ALT>2
NAFLD/NASH ↑/N AST:ALT<1 unless cirrhosis
Wilsons disease ↑↑ ↑↑ ALP:bili<4, AST:ALT>2.2
Hep B, C ↑↑/N ↑↑/N AST:ALT>1 suggests cirrhosis
AST:platelets>1.5 suggests moderate fibrosis
enzymes may all be N
Autoimmune Hepatitis ↑↑ ↑↑ persistently high transaminases suggests poor prognosis
Ischaemic/shock injury
Toxic injury
↑↑↑ ↑↑↑

vit B12

paradoxically accompanied by signs of deficiency, - a functional deficiency linked to qualitative abnormalities,eg. defects in tissue uptake and action of vitamin B12 high levels not infrequently associated with solid tumours:

  • myeloproliferative blood disorders
  • hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and secondary liver tumours
  • breast cancer, colon cancer, cancer of the stomach and pancreatic tumours.


Author: Dr Dylan Jenkins Oct 2023